Keynote Speaker: Shelley Moore
Keynote Speaker, Shelley Moore is a highly sought after inclusive education researcher, collaborator, consultant and storyteller and has worked with school districts and community organizations throughout both Canada and the United States. Shelley’s interactive presentations are constructed based on contexts of specific schools and communities and integrate theory and effective practices of inclusion, special education, curriculum and teacher professional development. Shelley completed an undergraduate degree in Special Education at the University of Alberta, her masters at Simon Fraser University, and is currently a Social Science and Human Resources Council funded PhD scholar at the University of British Columbia.
Shelley Moore
Spokane Valley Events Center
10514 E. Sprague Ave
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
For any of the following accommodations (language interpreter, vegetarian or gluten-free meal, other restrictions) please email Shelley Gacusana at sgacusana@arc-spokane.org with your accommodations.
We greatly appreciate your participation in this year's Inclusive Education Conference, taking place on April 27TH, 2019.
To learn more about this conference or become a financial underwriter, please contact Shelley Gacusana at sgacusana@arc-spokane.org.